Defined by the French term allure libre, randonneuring is a self-paced, long-distance, point-to-point style of cycling. In randonneuring, riders attempt courses or "brevets" of 200K or more, passing through predetermined "controles" (or checkpoints) at predetermined points on the course. Riders aim to make each controle and complete each brevet within specified time limits. Riders may travel in groups or alone as they wish, and are expected to be self-sufficient between controls. All riders receive equal recognition regardless of their finishing order so long as they finish within the time limit.
Friendly camaraderie is frequently seen in randonneuring, so too is uncommon determination. Finishing the ride is everything in this style of cycling, not how fast one undertook it. In randonneuring, tenacity is more celebrated than speed. Riders who have completed brevets of 200, 300, 400 and 600K distances in one season are known as "super randonneurs".
The single most prestigious brevet is the 1200K Paris-Brest-Paris event which is held every four years (to be held next in August, 2019). The international governing body for randonneuring is Audax Club Parisien (ACP) Paris, France. The ACP coordinates its activities with other randonneuring organizations around the world through Les Randonneurs Mondiaux (RM). Referred to by the term Audax in the UK, Australia and Brazil, the U.S. governing body is Randonneurs USA.